Whenever we are going somewhere for example say a bike ride we tend to find shortcuts so that
we can reach our desired location faster. We humans tend to take shortcuts wherever it is
possible. Because of this incessant need for shortcuts we have developed shortcuts or hacks to
use the internet efficiently too, which is honestly a very good thing. With the formation of these
hacks, using the internet has become easier. We don’t feel confused, it has become
comprehensible for us.

Sending and receiving an email is kind of scary because if you have received an email that
means you have to reply to it. Usually when we are sending or receiving an email a lot of effort
goes into sending it. There are a lot of things that we have to consider before hitting that sent
button. There are many easy hacks that we can use. When it comes to sending hacks as a brand
there are many precautions that you need to take so that your emails can help you generate a lot
of traffic for your website helping you in increasing the business. In this blog I am going to tell
you all about these blogs so that the next blog that you send to your customer is awesome!


Interesting Subject line.

We all have our own name, our name makes us stand out. Just like our name, the subject that we
give to an email is kind of like its name. If the subject of the email is interesting, catchy then
your audience is bound to check out the entire email. If the subject line fails to impress them then
there is zero chance of them reading the entire email. There are some things that you can keep in
mind before writing your next email. Your email shouldn’t be robotic, it should feel like it’s
written by a human. It should be able to resonate an emotional connection with its audience.
Your emails should be able to create emotions in the audience’s mind. They should be able to
create a sense of urgency, need, excitement, if your email is able to ignite these feelings in your
target audience’s mind then your email is successful.


Personalize it!!

Add the recipient’s name in the email and it will create a bond with them. This type of email will
make the recipient feel close to you, compelling them to read the whole email because they will
feel connected to you. Trying to make a connection with your audience will be very beneficial
and doing that through an email is an excellent idea because here you can not only connect to
them but with the help of a hyperlink attached you can take them directly to the offer that your
brand is offering.


Tell them a Story

As discussed in the above point it is suggested that you should create an emotional connection
with your audience. There is no better way of doing that than by telling them a story. Tell your
audience a story that they can relate too. A story for example of a person who just like your
audience was in need of your services when they came across your website and their needs were
met. A story of this kind will also assure your audience that whatever need that they have is
going to be met on your website they won’t be disappointed.


A little negativity is good

It’s not mandatory that the email you are sending out has to be all positive. It is okay to put a few
negative things in the email. When you are balancing negativity and positivity in your email it
becomes more relatable for the audience. This type of email fares well in the eyes of the
audience. It helps in making a lasting impression of the reader’s mind. An email of this kind is
not forgotten by the reader in a long time, because it was truthful to them.

Don’t choke them with offers!

Yes, you read that right, I know that you wish to get your audience signed up for many offers.
But bombarding them with so many offers and newsletters will have a negative impact on the
audience. There is a very high chance that they might entirely stop visiting your website or block
you. If this happens you might lose a complete connection with them. You can send them only
one Call for Action or CTA. By sending a single CTA your audience will not be irritated by the
incessant emails and won’t be confused by reading so much information about too many offers.
By one CTA they will be focused on one single offer and might even invest in it.

Their needs matter the most

Whatever offers you are presenting to your audience should be catered according to their needs.
You shouldn’t force them to opt for unnecessary offers. They should have the liberty of choosing
an offer. The offers that you are going to present them with should also be according to their
needs. You can understand their needs by analyzing their search history.

No Hostages please:

You should always provide your customers with a link that allows them to unsubscribe to your
email services if they want to. They shouldn’t feel tied, they should have the liberty of leaving
your services anytime they want if they aren’t satisfied.

Too many images spoil the fun:

Putting up too many images can make the email unflattering, not just that it can confuse the
audience too because they won’t know where to look at, what to read? Because of the frustration
people might just feel the need to close the email and never open it again. One image is enough,
even if you don’t put up an image it’s completely fine.

In the business of digital marketing with the help of these hacks you can excel at generating
more traffic for your website, you can become a marketing genius! Use these hacks the next time
you are drafting an email. You will be known amongst your colleagues as an email genius.